LAW GAT/SEE-LAW Notes, Professional Ethics

Advocate’s Conduct with regard to Clients – Rules 145 to 158

The conduct of advocates with regard to clients is covered in Chapter 12 of Professional Ethics or Legal Ethics. Rules 145 to 158 of this chapter provide guidance to lawyers on how to maintain honest, fair, and professional treatment of their clients. The purpose of this chapter is to strengthen the trust of lawyer clients and the respect of their profession.

Summary Table – Advocate’s Conduct With Regard To Clients

Here is a table summarizing the rules in Urdu for Advocate’s Conduct with regard to clients (Rules 145 to 158):

Rule Nokey points
145وکیل کو کلائنٹ کی جائیداد یا مفادات میں اس کے خلاف کوئی حصہ لینے کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔
146وکیل کسی ایسے کلائنٹ کے خلاف کیس نہیں لے سکتا جس کے بارے میں اسے خفیہ معلومات حاصل ہو چکی ہوں، جب تک کہ اسے باضابطہ طور پر مقرر نہ کیا گیا ہو۔
147وکیل کو پیشہ ورانہ تعلقات سے پہلے اپنے تعلقات یا مفادات کا انکشاف کرنا چاہیے۔
148وکیل کو متضاد مفادات کی نمائندگی کرنے کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔
149وکیل کو کسی بھی عدالتی نیلامی میں ذاتی یا بے نامی جائیداد خریدنے یا معاوضے میں کیس کی جائیداد لینے کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔
150وکیل کلائنٹ کی جائیداد کو اپنی جائیداد کے ساتھ ملا نہیں سکتا اور کلائنٹ کی کوئی بھی رقم یا جائیداد فوری طور پر رپورٹ کرنی چاہیے۔
151وکیل کو کیس کا مشورہ دینے سے پہلے متعلقہ فریق سے مشورہ لینا چاہیے، سوائے خاص حالات کے۔
152وکیل کو قانون کی خلاف ورزی کا مشورہ نہیں دینا چاہیے، سوائے اس صورت میں جب قانون باطل قرار دیا جا چکا ہو۔
153وکیل کو کسی بھی ملزم کی دفاع کا حق حاصل ہے، چاہے اس کی اپنی رائے کچھ بھی ہو، تاکہ ہر شخص کو انصاف کے مطابق دفاع مل سکے۔
154فیس مقرر کرتے وقت وکیلوں کو مناسب انداز میں فیس کا تعین کرنا چاہیے، نہ زیادہ اور نہ ہی کم۔ خاص طور پر بیواؤں اور یتیموں کی مدد مفت کی جانی چاہیے۔
155وکیل کو اپنے کلائنٹس کے ساتھ معاوضے پر تنازعات سے بچنا چاہیے اور مقدمات صرف ناانصافی یا دھوکہ سے بچاؤ کے لئے ہی کیے جانے چاہئیں۔
156وکیل کو اپنے کلائنٹ کے حقوق کی حفاظت کرتے وقت انصاف کے ساتھ برتاؤ کرنا چاہیے اور کلائنٹ کی وجہ سے کسی قانون یا اخلاقیات کی خلاف ورزی نہیں کرنی چاہیے۔
157جب وکیل اپنے کلائنٹ کے لئے گواہ ہو، تو اسے دوسرے وکیل کے حوالے کیس چھوڑ دینا چاہیے۔
158ایسے امور میں، جو مقدمے پر اثر نہیں ڈالتے، وکیل کو اپنے اخلاق اور عزت کے مطابق فیصلہ کرنے کا حق حاصل ہے۔

These rules are designed to maintain integrity and professionalism in an advocate’s dealings with clients, ensuring transparency, fairness, and respect for the law.

Short Notes – Advocate’s Conduct With Regard To Clients

Rule 145

• An advocate shall not:
➥ Acquire an interest adverse to a client.
➥ Involve personal interest in the property or interest related to the case.

Rule 147

  • An advocate shall not accept employment
    ➥ Without first disclosing any relation with the adverse party
    ➥ Without disclosing any interest in the subject matter of such employment

Rule 148

  • An advocate shall not
    • ➥ represent conflicting interests

Rule 149

  • An advocate shall not, himself or in benami:
    ➥ Purchase any property at a probate, foreclosure, or judicial sale
    ➥ Accept the property, or part of it, in which he appeared for a party, in lieu of remuneration or as a reward

Rule 150

  • An advocate shall not commingle a client’s property with his own
  • An advocate shall promptly report to the client upon receiving any money or property belonging to the client

Rule 151

  • An advocate shall not advise the start of prosecution or defense of a case
    ➥ Unless consulted about it
    ➥ Except when his relation to a party or subject makes it appropriate

Rule 152

  • An advocate shall not, in his professional capacity, advise the violation of any law
    ➥ This does not apply to advice given in good faith if the law is considered invalid

Rule 153

  • An advocate has the right to defend a person accused of a crime
    ➥ Regardless of personal opinion on the guilt of the accused
    ➥ This ensures innocent persons are not denied proper defense
  • An advocate must use all fair and honorable means to present every defense permitted by law
    ➥ To ensure no person is deprived of life or liberty except by lawful process

Rule 154

  • Advocates should avoid charging fees that overestimate or undervalue their services
    ➥ A client’s ability to pay does not justify excessive charges
    ➥ The reasonable requests of a brother advocate should receive kind consideration
  • Advocates shall assist widows and orphans of an advocate free of charge
  • Considerations for fixing fees include:
    ➥ Time and labor required, novelty, difficulty, and skill involved in the case
    ➥ Whether employment precludes the advocate from representing others in related cases
    ➥ Customary charges for similar services in the Bar
    ➥ Amount involved in the controversy and benefits to the client
    ➥ Contingency and certainty of compensation
    ➥ Character of employment, whether casual or established client
  • None of these considerations are controlling factors; they are guidelines for assessing service value
    ➥ The profession is part of justice administration, not merely a money-making trade

Rule 155.

  • Controversies with clients concerning compensation are to be avoided by the advocate
    ➥ As far as shall be compatible with his self-respect
    ➥ With his right to receive reasonable recompense for his services
  • Any law suits with clients should be resorted to
    ➥ Only to prevent injustice
    ➥ To prevent imposition or fraud

Rule 156

  • False claims by the unscrupulous create prejudice against advocates.
    ➥ It is improper for an advocate to assert personal beliefs in a client’s innocence or justice.
  • An advocate owes entire devotion to the client’s interests.
    ➥ This includes warm zeal in maintaining and defending rights.
    ➥ An advocate must exert utmost learning and ability.
    ➥ Nothing should be taken or withheld except by legal rules.
  • Advocates should not be restrained by fear of judicial disfavour or public unpopularity.
  • Clients are entitled to any remedy and defence authorized by law.
    ➥ Advocates must assert every such remedy or defence.
  • The trust of the advocate must be discharged within the bounds of the law.
    ➥ The advocate’s role does not permit or demand law violations or fraud.
  • In his duty, the advocate must obey his own conscience, not that of the client.

رول 156 کا خلاصہ: رول نمبر 156 وکیلوں کے لیے ایک اہم اصول بیان کرتا ہے۔ یہ اصول بتاتا ہے کہ ایک وکیل کو اپنے موکل کا کیس جیتنے کے لیے کچھ بھی کرنے کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔ ایک وکیل کا بنیادی فرض یہ ہے کہ وہ قانون کے مطابق اپنے موکل کا دفاع کرے۔ اسے سچ بولنا چاہیے اور قانون کی حدود سے تجاوز نہیں کرنی چاہیے۔ وکیل کو اپنے موکل کے لیے بہترین ممکنہ دفاع پیش کرنا چاہیے لیکن اسے اس کے لیے جھوٹ بولنے یا غیر قانونی کام کرنے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔ ایک وکیل کو اپنی ضمیر کی آواز پر عمل کرنا چاہیے اور اپنے موکل کی ہر بات ماننے کی بجائے قانون کی پابندی کرنی چاہیے۔


  • When an advocate is a witness for his client
    ➥ He should leave the trial of the case to other advocates
    ➥ Except as to merely formal matters
    ➣ Such as the attestation or custody of an instrument
    ➥ An advocate should avoid testifying in Court on behalf of his client
    ➣ Except when essential to the ends of justice


  • In incidental matters not affecting the merits of the cause in a trial
    ➥ Such as forcing the opposite advocate to trial when he is under affliction or bereavement
    ➥ Forcing the trial on a particular day to the injury of the opposite advocate
    ➣ When no harm will result from a trial at a different time
    ➥ Agreeing to an extension of time for filing written statements, cross interrogatories, and the like
  • The advocate must be allowed to judge himself
    ➥ No client has the right to demand that his advocate shall be ungenerous
    ➥ Or that he does anything repugnant to his own sense of honour and propriety

یہ رول وکیل کو نصیحت کرتا ہے کہ وہ مقدمے کے ضمنی معاملات میں خود فیصلہ کرنے کی آزادی رکھتا ہے۔ اسے اپنے مخالف وکیل کو نقصان پہنچانے کے لیے مقدمے کی سماعت کو جلدی یا دیر نہیں کرنی چاہیے۔ اسے تحریری بیانات، کراس ایگزیمینیشن وغیرہ جمع کرنے کے لیے وقت کی توسیع پر بھی اتفاق کر سکتا ہے۔ وکیل کو اپنے موکل کے لیے غیر مہربان نہیں ہونا چاہیے اور اسے اپنے وقار اور مناسبیت کے مطابق کام کرنا چاہیے۔

Test Your Knowledge: MCQs on Advocate’s Conduct with Clients

Professional Ethics Rule 145 to 158 Test 1

1 / 20


An advocate may only advise the commencement of a case without consultation if his ______ to a party or subject matter makes it proper to do so.

2 / 20


An advocate ________ commingle the property of client with his own, and shall promptly report to the client the receipt by him of any money or other property belonging to such client.

3 / 20


An Advocate shall not acquire an __________ to a client in the property or interest involved in the case.

4 / 20


According to Rule 152 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, an advocate in his professional capacity shall not advise the violation of any law. This rule shall not apply to advice given in good faith, that a law is __________.

5 / 20


An advocate shall not himself or in benami purchase any property at a ____________ in an auction or proceeding in which such advocate appears for a party, nor shall he accept the whole or part of the property, in respect of which he had been engaged to conduct the case, in lieu of his remuneration, or as a reward or bounty.

6 / 20


An advocate shall not accept professional employment without first disclosing his relation, if any, with the ______.

7 / 20


An advocate __________ purchase any property at a probate, foreclosure, or judicial sale in which he appears for a party.

8 / 20


According to Rule 145 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, an advocate shall not acquire an
interest ______________ in the property or interest involved in the case.

9 / 20


An advocate shall not advise the commencement of prosecution or defence of a case, unless he has been consulted in reference thereto, except when his relation to a party or to the subject matter is such as to make __________ for him to do so.

10 / 20


According to Rule 149 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, An advocate shall not himself or in ______ purchase any property at a probate, foreclosure, or judicial sale.

11 / 20


According to Rule 145 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, an Advocate shall not acquire an interest adverse to a client in the __________ or interest involved in the case.

12 / 20


An advocate in his professional capacity __________ advise the violation of any law.

13 / 20


According to Rule 144 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, an Advocate shall not acquire an interest __________ to a client in the property or interest involved in the case.

14 / 20


An Advocate shall not accept employment __________ to a client or former client, relating to a matter in reference to which he has obtained confidential information by reason of or in the course of his employment by such client or former client.

15 / 20


An advocate shall not accept professional employment without first disclosing his __________with the adverse party.

16 / 20


An advocate __________ advise the commencement of prosecution or defense of a case unless he has been consulted in reference thereto.

17 / 20


According to Rule 150 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, What is an advocate prohibited from doing with a client's property?

18 / 20


According to Rule 148 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, An advocate __________ represent conflicting interests.

19 / 20


An advocate shall not advise the commencement of prosecution or defense of a case unless he has been ______ in reference thereto.

20 / 20


An advocate shall not, in his professional capacity, advise the ______ of any law.

Your score is

The average score is 85%


Professional Ethics Rule 154 to 158 Test 2

1 / 13


When an advocate is a witness for his client except as to merely formal matters, such as the attestation or custody of an instrument and the like, he should __________ the trial of the case to other advocates.

2 / 13


Controversies with clients concerning compensation are to be avoided by the advocate so far as shall be compatible with his self-respect and his right to receive __________ recompense for his services.

3 / 13


It is the right of an advocate to undertake the defense of a person accused of crime, regardless of his personal opinion, as distinguished from knowledge as to the __________ of the accused.

4 / 13


In incidental matters, not affecting the merits of the cause in a trial, nor working substantial prejudice to the rights of the client, such as forcing the opposite advocate to trial when he is under affliction or bereavement, forcing the trial on a particular day to the injury of the opposite advocate when no harm will result from a trial at a different time, agreeing to an extension of time for filing written statements, cross interrogatories and the like, the advocate must be allowed to __________.

5 / 13


A client's ability to pay cannot justify a charge __________ of the value of the service, though his property may justify a lesser charge, or even none at all.

6 / 13


An advocate should avoid controversies over fees, provided it is compatible with his ______ and right to reasonable payment.

7 / 13


According to Rule 154 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, In fixing fees, advocates should avoid charges which __________ their advice and services as well as those which ______ them.

8 / 13


Controversies with clients concerning compensation are to be avoided by the advocate so far as shall be compatible with his self-respect and his right to receive __________ recompense for his services.

9 / 13


According to Rule 157 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, what should an advocate do when they are a witness for their client, except in formal matters?

10 / 13


Clients do not have the right to demand that their advocate act in a manner __________ to his own sense of honor and propriety.

11 / 13


When an advocate is a witness for his client, except as to merely __________ matters, he should leave the trial of the case to other advocates.

12 / 13


According to Rule 145 of canons of professional conduct and etiquette of advocates, advocates should assist widows and orphans of a brother advocate __________.

13 / 13


An advocate __________ act as a witness for his client, except as to merely formal matters.

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The average score is 67%


Read Also: The advocate’s conduct with regard to other Advocates

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