LAW GAT/SEE-LAW Notes, Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) 1860

PPC Chapter 16: offences Affecting the Human Body, Section 299-462

This chapter of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) begins with Section 299 and ends with Section 462. It deals with offenses that directly harm the human body, and also provides for the punishment of those who commit them. All of its sections are important, but here I will try to explain a few important sections in simple words, from an examination point of view.

پاکستان پینل کوڈ کا یہ چیپٹر سیکشن 299 سے شروع ہو کر 462 تک ختم ہوتا ہے ۔ اس سیکشن میں ان جرائم کی وضاحت کی گئی ہے جو ڈائریکٹ انسانی جسم کو نقصان پہنچاتے ہیں اور ساتھ ساتھ ان مجرموں کی سزا کی بھی وضاحت فراہم کر دی جو اسکو سرانجام دیتے ہیں ۔ اس کے تمام سیکشنز کی اہمیت ہے لیکن میں ادھر ایگزیمینیشن کے لحاظ سے چند اہم سیکشنز کوآسان الفاظ میں بیان کروں گا ۔

Section 299: Definitions: imp***

سیکشنز 299 میں ڈیفینیشنز فراہم کی گئی ہیں ۔ ان کو غور سے دیکھ لیں لاء گیٹ میں کوائز بن سکتا ہے ۔

اصطلاحاردو ترجمہ
Adult اٹھارہ سال کی عمر کا شخص
Arshمخصوص چوٹوں کے لیے متاثرہ یا اس کے ورثاء کو ادا کیا جانے والی معاوضہ
Authorised medical officer صوبائی حکومت کی طرف سے نامزد طبی پیشہ ور/ڈاکٹر
Daman عدالت کی طرف سے ارش کے مستحق نہ ہونے والی چوٹ پہنچانے کے لیے دیا جانے والا معاوضہ
Diyatموت کی صورت میں متاثرہ کے ورثاء کو ادا کی جانے والی معاوضہ
Governmentصوبائی حکومت
ikrah-e-tamفوری موت، مستقل نقصان، لواط، یا زنا بالجبر کا خوف شامل کرنے والا دباؤ
ikrah-e-naqisوہ دباؤ جو اکراہِ تام کے درجے تک نہ پہنچے
minorبالغ نہ ہونے والا شخص
offence committed in the name or on the pretext of honourکرو کاری، سیاہ کاری یا اسی طرح کے دیگر رواجوں یا طریقوں کے نام پر کیے گئے جرائم
qatlکسی شخص کی موت کا سبب بننا
qisasمجرم کی طرف سے متاثرہ کو پہنچائی گئی چوٹ کے مطابق بدلہ لینے کی سزا
ta’zirقصاص، دییت، ارش، یا دمان کے علاوہ سزا
waliقصاص کا دعویٰ کرنے کا حقدار شخص
ادھر لاء گیٹ کیلئےصرف قتل کا سیکشن یا ڈیفینیشن پوچھ سکتے ہیں جو کہ سیکشن 299 میں بیان ہے۔ نہ کہ سیکشن 300 یا 302 میں ۔۔۔

Qatl Short notes:

شارٹ ہینٹس میں اِن ڈیٹیل نہیں ڈس کس کیا جائے گا اس میں کچھ شارٹ ہینٹس ہی فراہم کی جائیں گی جو کہ آپ سٹڈی کر کے سمجھ جائیں گے ۔ سب سے پہلے قتل اسکی چار اقسام ہیں ۔

قتل عمد قتل شبعہ عمد
with the intention to cause death (section 300,301)with the intention to cause Hurt (Section 315 )
Qisas, Death, Diyat, Life imprisonment (section 302) Diyat, Life imprisonment (Section 316)
یوں قتل عمد کی ڈیفینیشن سیکشن 300 اور 301 میں ہے جبکہ اسکی سزا سیکشن 302 میں ہے ۔ جبکہ قتل شبعہ عمد کی ڈیفینیشن سیکشن 315 میں اور اسکی سزا سیکشن 316 میں ہے ۔

قتل خطاء قتل بالسبب
Unintentionally become the cause of death by mistake of fact or by mistake of act (section 318)Unintentionally becomes the cause of death by any unlawful act (Section 321)
Diyat , imprisonment upto 5 years (Section 319) (only)Diyat (Section 322)
قتل خطاء کو سیکشن 318 میں بیان کیا گیا ہے جبکہ اسکی سزا سیکشن 319 میں ہے ، قتل بالسبب کا سیکشن 321 ہے اور سزا سیکشن 322 میں ہے ۔

Note: ادھر ایک پوائنٹ ذہین نشین کر لیں کہ لاء گیٹ میں ایگزیمینر ” انپریزرمینٹ فار لائف” کے مختلف آپشنز دے کر سوال پوچھ لیتا ہے تو یاد رکھیں جدھر لفظ صرف ”انپریزرمنٹ فارلائف ” کا آئے گا اسکا مطلب زیادہ سے زیادہ 25 سال عمر قید ہی ہے ۔
باقی ہر طرح کی قید کے لیے لفظ ” انپریزرمنٹ ” استعمال ہوتا ہے اور ساتھ ساتھ اسکی اتنے سال کی قید بھی بتلائی ہوئی ہوتی ہے۔

Section 320Rash driving Diyat, 10 Years imprisonment
Section 324Attempt to commit Qatl-i-amd5 to 10 years imprisonment
Section 326ThugLife imprisonment , Fine

Section 332 Hurt Short Notes:

Hurt: Hurt is the injury to any person other than death.

The following are the kinds of hurt:
(a) Itlaf-i-udw
(b) Itlaf-i-salahiyyat-i-udw
(c) shajjah
(d) jurh and
(e) all kinds of other hurts.

Section 333: Dismember the organ of the body Section 335: Permanently lose the working capacity of a organ
Punishment in Section 334: Arsh, Qisas, upto 10 years life imprisonment Punishment in Section 336: Arsh, Qisas, upto 10 years life imprisonment

Section 337-A Shajjah:

Shajjah is the any injury on head or face.

Kinds Hints: KM-HM-AD.
اسکو اپنے حساب سے ڈی کوڈ کر لیں ۔ جیسا کہ

ادھر جو حصے ارش کے بتلائے گے ہیں وہ دراصل دیت کے ٹوٹل حصہ جو سرکار مقرر کرتی ہے اسمیں سے اتنا حصہ ارش کے طور پر ادا کرنا ہوتا ہے ۔

Section 337-B Jurh: جرح

Jurh is the injury other than head or face.

جرح کی دو اقسام ہیں ۔ جائفہ اور غیر جائفہ

Section 337-C: Jaifah

section Name detail punishment
337-CJaifah Injury on body trunk پیٹ ارش 1⁄3 + 10 سال (337-D)

Section 337-E: Ghayr-jaifah:

Injury other than Jaifah is called Ghayr-jaifah. غیر جائفہ کی سزا سیکشن 337-ایف میں ہے جو کہ درج ذیل ہے ۔

Short code for 337-F: DBMT (District Bar Multan tehsil) – MHM (Muhammad Hashim Multan) آپ اس کوڈ کو اپنے حساب سے بھی ایڈجسٹ کر سکتے ہیں ۔

section code+namedetail punishment
337 F1D= DamihahRuptured جلد پھٹ کر خون نکلنا ضمن + 1 سال
337 F2B= Badi’ahIncising گوشت پھٹ جائے ضمن + 3 سال
337 F3MT= MutalahimahLacerating جلد کے علاوہ گوشت پھٹ جائے ضمن + 3 سال
337 F4M=MudihahExposing the bone ہڈی نمایاں ضمن + 5 سال
337 F5H= Hashimahfracture of a bone صرف ہڈی فریکچر ضمن + 5 سال
337 F6M= Munaqqilahfracturing and dislocating ہڈی فریکچر اور ہل جائے ضمن + 7 سال
ادھر قید ایز تعزیر کے طور پر دی جائے گی ۔

PPC Chapter 16 Test ( part 4 )

1 / 10

1) If an additional finger of the victim is cut, it will not be liable to __________.

2 / 10

2) Offence of Qatl-e-amad can be compounded by the __________ of victims.

3 / 10

3) "Daman" means the compensation determined by the __________ to be paid by the offender to the victim for causing hurt not liable to arsh.


  1. The compensation for causing hurt not liable to arsh, determined by the Court, is called __________. Ans : Daman 
  2. What does "Daman" refer to? Ans : Compensation paid for causing hurt not liable to arsh 
  3. Who determines the amount of Daman? Ans: The Court 

4 / 10

4) Qisas for Qatl-e-amad shall not be enforced when the offender __________ before enforcement of Qisas.


  1. When the offender dies before enforcement of Qisas, Qisas for __________ shall not be enforced. Ans: Qatl-e-amad 
  2. Under what condition shall Qisas for Qatl-e-amad not be enforced? Ans: When the offender dies 
  3. Qisas for which type of crime shall not be enforced if the offender dies before its enforcement? Ans: Qatl-e-amad

5 / 10

5) Tazir means any punishment other than __________.

6 / 10

6) Qisas for Qatl-e-amad can't be waived where the Wali is __________.

7 / 10

7) When there are no legal heirs for a Qatl case, the __________ acts as the Wali.



  1. Who becomes the Wali in the absence of legal heirs in a Qatl case? Ans: The government
  2. In the case of Qatl, if no legal heirs exist, who assumes the role of Wali? Ans: The government 

8 / 10

8) Punishment ordained by the Holy Quran and Sunnah is called __________.


 What does Hadd mean? 

  1. Punishment fixed by the court
  2. Punishment ordained by the Holy Quran and Sunnah 
  3. Compensation paid to the victim's family
  4. Discretionary punishment


9 / 10

9) Arsh is paid to _________.


 Arsh is the compensation which will be paid to the __________ or his heirs.

Ans : Victim


10 / 10

10) What is the arsh for causing itlaf of a tooth, other than a milk tooth?


337 U(1)

Your score is

The average score is 71%



#1. According to Pakistan Penal Code 1860 , Section 299 (m) “Wali” means a person entitled to claim __________.

#2. “Ikrah-e-tam” means putting any person, his spouse, or any of his blood relations within the prohibited degree of marriage in fear of __________.

#3. A, in order to cause hurt, strikes Z with a stick or stone which in the ordinary course of nature is not likely to cause death. Z dies as a result of such hurt. A shall be guilty of __________.

Section 315 illustration

#4. What does the term “Qisas” mean?

#5. Whoever, with intent to cause harm to the body or mind of any person, causes the death of that or any other person by means of a weapon or an act which in the ordinary course of nature is not likely to cause death is said to commit __________.

Section 315 PPC

#6. Whoever commits qatl under ‘ikrah-i-naqis’ shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to __________.

Section 303 (b)

#7. What does “ta’zir” mean?

#8. In the context of Pakistan Penal Code 1860 , ” Government ” means _________.

#9. “Qisas” means punishment by causing __________ at the same part of the body of the convict as he has caused to the victim or by causing his death if he has committed qatl-i-amd.

#10. A “minor” means a person who is __________.

Section 299(i)

#11. “Qatl” means causing __________ of a person.

#12. What happens to the right of qisas in qatl-i-amd if there are multiple walis?

Section 313(1)

#13. An “adult” is defined as a person who has attained the age of __________.

#14. “Daman” means the compensation determined by the Court to be paid by the offender to the victim for causing hurt not liable to __________.

Section 299 (d).

#15. Whoever, with the intention of causing death or bodily injury, or with the knowledge that his act is so imminently dangerous that it must in all probability cause death, causes the death of a person, is said to commit __________.

#16. An “authorised medical officer” refers to a medical officer or a Medical board, howsoever designated, authorised by the __________.

#17. “Ikrah-e-naqis” means any form of duress which does not amount to __________.

#18. “Arsh” and “Daman” are __________ in their own rights.

#19. Where there is only one wali, he alone has the right of qisas in qatl-i-amd but, if there are more than one, the right of qisas vests in __________.

Section 313(1)

#20. In the case of qatl-i-amd, an adult sane wali may, at _______on accepting badl-i-sulh, compound his right of _____.

310 (1)




#1. The diyat may be made payable in lumpsum or in instalments spread over a period of __________ from the date of the final judgment.

Section 331(1)

#2. Whoever causes pain, harm, disease, infianity or injury to any person or impairs, disables or dismembers any organ of the body or part thereof of any person without causing his death, is said to cause __________.

Section 332(1)

#3. The Court shall, subject to the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah and keeping in view the financial position of the convict and the heirs of the victim, fix the value of diyat which shall not be less than the value of __________ grams of silver.

Section 323 (1)

#4. The act of causing hurt on the head or face of any person that does not amount to itlaf-i-udw or itlaf-i-salahiyyat-i-udw is legally referred to as __________.

Section 337(1)

#5. Whoever causes shajjah that dislocates or moves a bone from its original place is called __________.

Whoever causes shajjah by causing fracture of the bone of the victim and thereby the bone is dislocated, is said to cause shajfah-i-munaqqilah;

#6. Whoever dismembers, amputates, severs any limb or organ of the body of another person is said to cause __________.

Section 333

#7. As per section 331(3) of the Pakistan penal code 1860, Where a convict dies before the payment of diyat or any part thereof, it shall be recovered from his __________.

#8. Whoever attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such offence, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to __________, or with fine, or with both.

Section 325

#9. ”A” shoots at an object to be a boar but it turns out to be a human being. ”A” is guilty of _________.

Section 318 illustration

#10. According to Section 322 of the Pakistan penal code 1860, Whoever commit qatl bis-sabab shall be liable to _______.

#11. As per section 326 of the Pakistan penal code 1860, Whoever shall have been habitually associated with any other or others for the purpose of committing robbery or child-stealing by means of or accompanied with Qatl, is a _________.

#12. Whoever destroys or permanently impairs the functioning, power, or capacity of an organ of the body of another person, or causes permanent disfigurement is said to cause __________.

Section 335

#13. An injury that fracture the bone of the victim, without dislocating it, is said to cause _________.

Whoever causes shajjah by fracturing the bone of the victim, without dislocating it, is said to cause

#14. A minor injury to the head or face that does not expose the bone of victim, is called __________.

Whoever causes shajjah without exposing bone of the victim, is said to cause shajjah-i-khafifah

#15. ”A” aims at a deer but misses the target and kills ”Z” who is standing by, ”A” is guilty of ________.

Section 318 illustration

#16. An injury that exposes the bone of victim without causing fracture is said to cause __________.

Who ever causes shujjah by exposing any bone of the victim without causing fracture, is said to cause

#17. Whoever, without any intention, cause death of, or cause harm to, any person, does any unlawful act which becomes a cause for the death of another person, is said to commit ________.

Section 321

#18. As per section 331(1) of the Pakistan penal code 1860, The diyat may be made payable in __________ or in instalments spread over a period of three years from the date of the final judgment.

#19. A unlawfully digs a pit in the thoroughfare, but without any intention to cause death of, or harm to, any person, B while passing from there falls in it and is killed. A has committed _______.

#20. Whoever, without any intention to cause death of, or cause harm to, a person causes death of such person, either by mistake of act or by mistake of fact, is said to commit __________.





#1. A amputates the right ear of Z, the half of which was already missing. If A’s right ear is perfect, he shall be liable to __________ and not qisas.

337 M (illustration)

#2. Injury is such harm which is caused to __________ of person.

#3. Which of the following is not a kind of ghayr-jaifah?

Section 337 E(2)

#4. According to Pakistan penal code 1860, the Hurt shall not liable to _______ when the organ of the offender liable to qisas is missing.

#5. The most severe form of injury that ruptures the membrane of the brain is called __________.

Whoever causes shajjah by causing fracture of the skull of the victim and the wound ruptures the
membrane of the brain is said to cause shajjah-i-damighah.

#6. In the case of Qatal, the wali shall be the __________ of the victim.

#7. As per section 337 N(1)(a) of the Pakistan penal code 1860, The qisas for a hurt shall not be enforced when the offender dies before __________ of qisas.

#8. Whoever causes hurt by mistake (khata) ______ liable to arsh or daman specified for the kind of hurt caused.

337 I

#9. According to the Pakistan penal code 1860, __________ is the punishment which is not determined or fixed by the legislature but is left to the discretion of the court.

#10. The value of Daman may be determined by the __________.

337 Y(1)

#11. if A amputates the right ear of Z, that is physically perfect but without power of hearing, A shall be liable to ______ because the defect in Z’s ear is not physical.

337 M illustration (ii)

#12. In the case of Qatl-i-amad , If the victim has no wali, the __________ shall have the right of qisas.

Section 313(2)(a)

#13. According to the Pakistan penal code 1860, the action of causing an injury that does not amount to jaifah is termed __________.

337 E

#14. An injury that penetrates the inner skull, causing severe damage is known as __________.

Whoever causes shajjah by causing fracture of the skull of the victim so that the wound touches the
membrane of the brain, is said to cause shajjah-i-ammah .

#15. The minimum value of __________ shall be determined according to the present value of silver of 30,630 grams.

#16. As per section 299(e) of the Pakistan penal code 1860, __________ means the compensation payable to the heirs of the victim.

#17. Hurt shall not be liable to qisas when the offender is a minor or __________.

337 M

#18. Whoever causes jurh in which the injury extends to the body cavity of the trunk, is said to cause __________.

Section 337C

#19. The qisas for a hurt shall not be enforced when the organ of the offender liable to qisas is __________ before the execution of qisas.

#20. According to Pakistan penal code 1860, The Hurt shall not liable to _______ when an offender at the instance of the victim causes hurt to him.


Read Also: PPC Chapter 4 General Exceptions (sections 76 to 106)

6 thoughts on “PPC Chapter 16: offences Affecting the Human Body, Section 299-462

  1. Muhammad Zarif Khan says:

    Very useful for preparation of Law GAT

  2. Muhammad Zarif Khan says:

    AOA,Where word used “estate” I think “State” is the correct. Please resolve.

    1. Inam Ullah Kakar says:

      No, the word “estate” means money and assets.

  3. Muhammad Zarif Khan says:

    AOA,Time is not updated by default approximately 5 hrs back with pakistan standard time.

  4. Inam Ullah Kakar says:

    1. Compensation payable to heirs of victim: the correct anwer is “DIYAT” and not “ARSH”
    2. amputation of ear half of which is already missing: the correct answer is “A is liable to ARSH”. QISAS is wrong

    1. To avoid any confusion, be advised that the answers given are accurate for item 1. It is necessary to consult Section 299(b), and for item 2, review Section 337-U.

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