Civil Procedure Code (CPC) 1908, LAW GAT/SEE-LAW Notes

CPC Order 9: Consequences of Appearance and Non-appearance

Order 9 of the Civil Procedure Code lays down important principles regarding the presence or absence of parties in court. This order provides guidance for the efficient and fair conduct of the proceedings in the court.

CPC Order 9 Short Notes in Urdu:

CPC Order 9 Rule 1: Parties to appear on day fixed in summons for defendant to appear and answer

Rule 2 : Dismissal of suit where summons not served in consequence of plaintiff’s failure to pay costs.

Rule 3: Where neither party appears, suit to be dismissed.

Rule 4: Plaintiff may bring fresh suit or Court may restore suit to file

Rule 5: Dismissal of suit where plaintiff, after summons returned unserved, fails for three months
to apply for fresh summons.

  1. ہرممکن کوشش کرنے کے بعد مدعا علیہ کی رہائش گاہ کا پتہ لگانے میں ناکام رہا۔
  2. مدعا علیہ سمن موصول کرنے سے بچ رہا ہے۔
  3. ڈیڈ لائن میں توسیع کرنے کی ایک ٹھوس وجہ ہے۔

Rule 6: . Procedure when only plaintiff appears

Rule 7: Procedure where defendant appears on day of adjourned hearing and assigns good cause for previous non­apperance.

Rule 8: Procedure where defendant only appears.

Rule 9: Decree against plaintiff by default bars fresh suit

Rule 10: Procedure in case of non­attendance of one or more of several plaintiffs.

Rule 11: Procedure in case of non­attendance of one or more of several defendants

Rule 12: Consequnece of non­ attendance, without sufficient cause shown, of party ordered to appear in person

Rule 13: Setting aside decree ex­parte against defendant.

Rule 14: No decree to be set aside without notice to opposite party

Order 9 CPC


Read Also: CPC Order 39 Temporary Injunction and Interlocutory Orders

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