International law, LAW GAT/SEE-LAW Notes, United Nations Charter

United Nations Charter

What is the Charter of the United Nations?

The Charter of the United Nations is like the rulebook for the United Nations. It was created on June 26, 1945, when countries were still recovering from World War II. Its main object is to keep the world peaceful and to encourage countries to work together on important problems, like tackling poverty and diseases.

It says that every country in the United Nations is equal, big or small, and they should be nice to each other. The Charter also has rules on how to solve problems without fighting, and it created the Security Council, which can take action if there’s a big threat to peace.

It’s all about cooperation and respecting each other’s rights as countries. The UN Charter is like the Constitution of the United Nations.

Main organs of the UN:

  • General Assembly.
  • Security Council.
  • Economic and Social Council.
  • Trusteeship Council.
  • International Court of Justice.
  • Secretariat.

What is the main purpose of the UN Charter?

The main purpose of the UN Charter is to keep peace and make sure countries work together on important global issues. It’s all about preventing wars and conflicts and encouraging nations to cooperate. So, in simple terms, the UN Charter’s big job is to help maintain international peace and security and to promote cooperation among countries to make the world a better place for everyone.

United Nations Charter Important MCQ’s

United Nations Charter TEST 1


United Nations Charter TEST 2


2 thoughts on “United Nations Charter

  1. Naveed Ur Rahman says:

    these questionear is very productive and informative as per knowledge but according to LAW GAT it very hard to memorize all content of the law gat examination point of veiw. overall great effort of PK LAW.

    1. admin says:

      To memorize these questions, you must practice them repeatedly.

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