Law GAT Past Paper 13 August 2023 with TEST
Test 1(20 marks):
1. GAT 13 August 2023 Paper
Test 2 (20 marks):
2. GAT 13 August 2023 Paper
Test 3 (20 marks):
3. GAT 13 August 2023 Paper
Test 4 (20 marks):
4. GAT 13 August 2023 Paper
Test 5 (20 marks):
5. GAT 13 August 2023 Paper
Some important MCQs from this TEST
1. As per the case Zafar Ali Shah and others vs. General Pervez Musharraf, Chief Executive of
Pakistan (PLD 2000 S.C. 869), Pervez Musharraf took ___________steps and proclaimed emergency as Chief Executive.
A. appropriate
B. constitutional
C. extra-constitutional
D. legitimate
2. As per Article 203 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, each High Court shall supervise and
control all courts ____________ and the tribunals.
A. in the province
B. at district level
C. in the province
D. subordinate to it
3. As per the case Miss Asma Jilani vs. Government of Pakistan (PLD 1972 S.C. 139), the detention
of Malik Ghulam Jilani has been made under the ____________
A. Frontier Crime Regulation 1940
B. Marshal Law regulation No. 78 of 1971
C. Provisional Constitutional Order 1971
D. The West Pakistan Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance, 1960
4. As per the case Al-Jehad Trust vs. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1996 S.C. 324), the judgement of
the case is to reduce the role of executive in the process of __________appointment.
A.Chief of Army Staff’s
5. As per the Case Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din Khan vs. Governor General of Pakistan (PLD 1955 F.C. 240),
Governor General Ghulam Muhammad dissolved the _________ of Pakistan.
A. Congress
B. Constituent Assembly
C. Provincial Assemblies
D. Senate
6. As per Article 60(2) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the term of office of the Chairman or
Deputy Chairman shall be _________ years from the day on which he enters upon his office.
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six
7. As per Article 9(2) of The United Nations Charter, each Member shall have not more than
_________ representatives in the General Assembly.
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six
8. As per Article 53(4) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker shall
not preside at a meeting of the Assembly when ___________for his removal from office is being considered.
A. a resolution
B. an application
C. impeachment proceedings
D. referendum
9. As per Article 1(1) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Pakistan shall be ___________ Republic to
be known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
A. Banana
B. Democratic
C. Federal
D. Peoples
11. As per Article 13(1) of Statute of the International Court of Justice, the members of the Court
shall be elected for ________ years and may be re-elected.
A. three
B. five
C. seven
D. nine
12. As per Article 75(1)(a) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, when a Bill is presented to the
President for assent, the President shall, within ________ days, assent to the Bill.
A. seven
B. ten
C. fourteen
D. fifteen
13. As per Article 193(2) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, a person shall not be appointed a
Judge of a High Court unless he is a citizen of Pakistan, is not less than ______ years of age.
A. forty
B. forty-two
C. forty-five
D. fifty
14. As per Article 175A(2)(I) and (Il) of the Constitution e/ Pakistan 1973, for appointment of Judges
of the Supreme Court, the Commission shall consist of Chief Justice of Pakistan; ____________
most senior Judges of the Supreme Court.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
17. As per the case Khan Asfandyar Wali and others vs. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 2001 S.C. 607),
Khan Asfandyar Wali filed a writ petition under Article 184(3) of the Constitution of Pakistan,
wherein Vires of ___________, was challenged.
A. Anti-Narcotics Force Act 1997
B. Anti-Terrorism Act 1997
C. National Accountability Bureau Ordinance, 1999
D. Political Parties Act 1962
19. As per Article 38(f) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the ________ shall eliminate riba as
early as possible.
A. Federal Sharia Court
B. Provincial Government
C. State
D. Supreme Court
20. As per Article 12(4) of Statute of the International Court of Justice, in the event of an equality of
votes among the judges, the ____________ judge shall have a casting vote.
A. chief
B. eldest
C. presiding
D. senior most
21. As per Jurisprudence by Sir John Salmond, the law of personal rights, was called by the
_________ jus quod ad personas pertinet or jus personam.
A. Aristotle
B. Greeks
C. Plato
D. Romans
25. As per Islamic Jurisprudence by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, ___________ was rejected by the
Zahiri and the Jafari school.
A. Ijma
B. istihsan
C. maslahah mursalah
D. qiyas
28. As per Islamic Jurisprudence by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, the literal meaning of the term
________ is “something from which another thing originates”
A. asl
B. fiqh
D. qiyas
29. As per Jurisprudence by Sir John Salmond, the law is the body of principles recognized and
applied by the _____________ in the administration of justice.
A. executive
B. judiciary
C. parliamentary committees
D. state
31. As per Section 3 of The Code of Civil Procedure 1908, For the purposes of this Code, the
District Court is subordinate to the High Court, and every civil Court of a grade inferior to that of a
District Court and every Court of Small Causes is subordinate to the High Court and __________Court.
A. Civil
B. District
C. Revenue
D. Supreme
32. As per Order I Rule 5 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, it shall not be necessary that every
defendant shall be interested as to _______ claimed in any suit against him.
A. all the relief
B. the damages
C. the considerations
D. the compensations
37. As per Section 2(9) of The Code of Civil Procedure 1908, “Judgment” means the statement
given by the ______________of the grounds of a decree or order.
A. Arbitrator
B. Inquiry officer
C. Judge
D. Umpire
41. As per Section 75(d) of The Code of Civil Procedure 1908, subject to such conditions and
limitations as may be prescribed, the Court may issue a/an _________ to make a partition.
A. commission
B. decree
C. order
D. summon
42. As per Order VI Rule 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, the forms in _________ when
applicable, and where they are not applicable forms of the like character, as nearly as may be, shall
be used for all pleadings.
A. Appendix A
B. Appendix B
C. Appendix C
D. Appendix D
43. As per Section 104(1)(h) of The Code of Civil Procedure1908, an appeal shall lie from an order
under any of the provisions of this Code imposing ___________ directing the arrest or detention in
the civil prison of any person except where such arrest or detention is in execution of a decree.
A. a fine
B. a penalty
C. rigorous imprisonment
D. simple imprisonment
47. As per Order XLIII Rule 1(e) of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, an appeal shall lie from an
order under rule 4 of Order ________ pronouncing judgment against a party under the provisions of
Section 104 of СРС.
B. X
48. As per Order VII Rule 12 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, where a plaint is rejected, the
Judge shall record in order to that effect with the reasons for such _________
A. dismissal
B. order
C. refutation
D. rejection
50. As per Order VII Rule 10(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, the plaint shall at any stage of
the suit be returned to be presented to the Court in which the suit should have been __
A. executed
B. instituted
C. proceeded
D. progressed
51. As per Section 96 of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860, nothing is an offence which is done in the
exercise of the right of _________
A. private defense
B. protection of property
С.public defense
D. self-defense
55. As per Section 408 of the Criminal Procedure Code 1898, any person convicted on a trial held
by an Assistant Sessions Judge, a District Magistrate (Special Magistrate) or a Judicial Magistrate,
or any person sentenced under Section 349 of the Cr.P.C may appeal to the _____________
A. Court of Session
B. High Court
C. Special Court
D. Supreme Court
57. As per Section 304(1)(b) of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860, proof of __________ liable to qisas
shall be by the evidence as provided in Article 17 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984.
A. qatl-bis-sabab
B. qatl-i-amd
C. qatl-i-khata
D. qatl-shibh-i-amd
58. As per Section 502(1) of Criminal Procedure Code 1898, all or any sureties for the attendance
and appearance of a person released on bail may _________ time apply to a Magistrate to
discharge the bond, either wholly or so far as relates to the applicants.
A. at any
B. after fifteen days
C. after two months
D. after three months
62. As per Section 164(1-A) of Criminal Procedure Code 1898, any such statement may be recorded
by such Magistrate (magistrate of first and second class) in the presence of the accused, and the
accused given an opportunity of _________ the witness making the statement.
A. cross-examining
B. examination in chief of
C. initially examining
D. re-examine
68. As per Section 137(1) of Criminal Procedure Code 1898, if he (a person against whom an order
has been passed under section 133 of the Cr.P.C) appears and shows cause against the order, the
Magistrate shall take _________
A. action
B. evidence
C. notice
D. record
74. According to Article 118 of The Qanun-E-Shahadat Order 1984, the burden of proof in a suit or
proceeding lies on _________ who would fail if no evidence at all were given on either side.
A. complainant
B. defendant
C. respondent
D. that person
75. According to Article 124 of The Qanun-E-Shahadat Order 1984, when the question is whether a
man is alive or dead, and it is proved that he has not been heard of for _________ years by those
who would naturally have heard of him if he had been alive, the burden of proving that he is alive is shifted to
the person who affirms it.
A. five
B. seven
C. ten
D. twelve
77. According to Article 17(2)(b) of The Qanun-E-Shahadat Order 1984, unless otherwise provided
in any law relating to the enforcement of Hudood or any other special law, in all other matters, the
Court may accept, or act on, the testimony of __________ or such other evidence as the
circumstances of the case may warrant.
A. one man and two women
B. one man or one woman
C. one man or two women
D. two men and two women
78. According to Article 73 of The Qanun-E-Shahadat Order 1984, “Primary evidence” means the
document itself produced for the _______ of the Court.
A. examination
B. inspection
C. review
D. scrutiny
81. According to illustration (d) of Article 103 of The Qanun-E-Shahadat Order 1984, A enters into a
written contract with B to work certain mines, the property of B, upon certain terms. A was induced
to do so by a/an/the _________ of B’s as their value. This fact may be proved.
A. cheating
B. falsification
C. misrepresentation
D. undue influence
82. According to Article 6 of The Qanun-E-Shahadat Order 1984, no one shall be permitted to give
any evidence derived from _________ official records relating to any affairs of State, except with
the permission of the officer at the head of the department concerned who shall give or withhold
such permission as he thinks fit.
A. confidential
B. restricted
C. secret
D. unpublished
83. According to Article 31(2) of The Qanun-E-Shahadat Order 1984, statements made by parties to
suits suing or sued in a representative character, are _________ unless they were made while the
party making them held that character.
A. acknowledgement
B. admissions
C. confessions
D. not admissions
93. As per Rule 145 of the Pakistan Legal Practitioners & Bar Council Rules 1976, an Advocate
__________ acquire an interest adverse to a client in the property or interest involved in the case.
A. shall
B. shall not
C. may
D. may not