Law GAT 19 February 2023 Paper

The Law Graduate Assessment Test (Law GAT) is an important examination for aspiring legal professionals in Pakistan. The syllabus provided by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) covers various subjects essential for a strong foundation in law. Let’s break down the syllabus into individual subjects, highlighting specific sections from relevant laws:

Quiz Instructions:

  • Each test consists of multiple-choice questions.
  • The answers to the questions will be randomly generated each time the test is initiated.
  • To achieve high marks, it is recommended to practice each quiz test at least 3 times.
  • Upon completion of the test, you will receive your test score and rating.
  • All quizzes are interconnected, and a new quiz link will be provided in the quiz result section.
  • If you come across any answers that appear incorrect to you during the quizzes, simply leave a comment below in the comment section with the question number.
  • This will enable us to update the answers in the quiz section accordingly.

Law GAT Past paper 19.02.2023 TEST 1


Law GAT Past paper 19.02.2023 TEST 2


Top 10 Quiz from this TEST

1-As per Islamic Jurisprudence by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, which one of the following source of law was rejected by Zahiri school and the Jafari school?
2-As per Section 16(b) of The Code of Civil Procedure 1908, subject to the pecuniary or other limitations prescribed by any law, for the partition of immovable property, suit shall be instituted where ____________4-As per Section 15 of The Code of Civil Procedure 1908, every suit shall be instituted in the Court of the ________competent to try it.
3-As per Islamic Jurisprudence by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, which one of the following terms is used for insanity?
4-As per Article 203 (2) of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the federal shariat court shall consist of not more than ___________ to be appointed by the president in accordance with 175 A.
5-In the case of Khan Asfandyar Wali and others vs. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 2001 S.C. 607), the presiding officer of the bench was __________
6-As per Article 19-A of The Constitution of Pakistan 1973, every citizen shall have the right to have __________ in all matters of public importance subject to regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by law.
7-In Miss Asma Jilani vs. Government of Pakistan (PLD1972 S.C. 139) case, the challenged detention was under Marshal Law regulation number __________ of 1971.
8-As per Order XXXIX, Rule 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, any order for an injunction may be discharged, or varied, ____________
9-As per Order VI, Rule 1 of The Code of Civil Procedure 1908, ___________shall mean plaint or written statement.
10-As per Section 96(3) of The Code of Civil Procedure 1908, no appeal shall lie from a decree passed by the Court ____________

Read also: Law GAT Past paper Course

2 thoughts on “Law GAT 19 February 2023 Paper

  1. Mehtab Ali says:

    It was excellent session so far

    1. Admin says:

      thanks for your feedback

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